Thursday, June 19, 2014

Milestones of many kinds

May and June have brought many milestones for several of us. 
Active Child graduated from the 8th Grade and we partied!

Creative Child graduated from High School........

Youngest Child fulfilled his lifelong dream of being asked to pitch on his baseball team.........

Eldest Child performed his first concert in St. Louis........more on that very fun evening in a later post.

And, I have to be honest, there are so many changes looming next year as more children leave the nest that I am a bit off balance in my plans.  All these milestones fill me with gratitude and happiness, but also with a bit of a depressed mind and heart.  The beginning of the empty nest syndrome perhaps.  A new era that needs to be navigated...different ways of doing things....different daily schedules......different ways of looking at things.....younger kids who now will become the older kids at home.  Kids who have vastly different talents and interests than the older set.  Just that feeling that someone has shaken the snow globe and the snow hasn't settled yet into a peaceful scene.  Unsettled...that's the word.      I don't feel much like navigating something new......I don't feel as adventurous as I was wont to be "back in the day", but navigate I must!  There is no way across except to........Cross!  Pray for me~if anyone is out there reading this!  = )

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