Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Ten On Tuesday: Entering the Time Machine

Linking up with Carol today for Ten On Tuesday

Ten Time Periods I would like to visit if I had a Time Machine

1.  Ancient Greece in the time of Socrates.  I would give anything to sit and listen, to be around that active, persistent  search for truth.  I would also have liked to talk with Aristotle about his treatise on the soul. 
Image result for socrates plato aristotle

2.  Medieval England.  I would go live with the monks and learn their secrets for illuminating manuscripts.   And if Brother Cadfael were REAL, I would like to spend a day with him in his hut watching him make medicines.

Image result for illuminations medieval
3.  Renaissance England, Italy, and Spain.......to hear their music played live on their ancient instruments.  I would like to attend a faire and also dance all their dances in a fabulous dress. I would also take in a play by William Shakespeare or maybe see a traveling acting troupe perform EVERYMAN.
Image result for jane austen
Image result for renaissance dresses

4.  Renaissance England for very different reasons:  to meet the martyrs John Fisher, Thomas More, Margaret Clitherow, Edmond Campion.  To see with my own eyes and soul how they were able to be so strong in their faith.  I would like to have joined them in prayer and heard some of  them preach.  

Image result for thomas more

5.  The Regency period.  The clothes alone would do it for me!  I would like to have a private tea with Jane Austen and laugh at all her witticisms.  
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6.  The late 1890's early 1900's when all was changing at a surprisingly swift rate.  Horses and buggies, cars, early planes, inventions everywhere.  And once again, the clothes and the jewelry.  I would like to spend a week end at an English Manor shooting and riding and having a picnic on the front lawn.

Image result for shape note singing

7.  Colonial America.   I would like to visit with Abigail Adams and her husband John at their farm.  I would like to experience the fear, the rush, and the moxie of these upstart colonists getting up in the face of the massive world power England.  It really did take some nerve.

8.  Colonial America once again.  I would like to sit in the middle of a church service and sing all their wonderful shape note hymns.

9.  The day I first took horseback riding lessons. My Dad surprised me. I won't forget the smell of horses, the smell of leather, the feel of a horse under my ten year old body.  It was one of the happiest days of my life. I can recall it so vividly.

10.  Home Schooling in the basement of my old house in the famed pumpkin orange classroom with all my kids: one on the computer, one reciting Latin, one rolling around in legos on the floor, one making us all laugh....with the sound of PBS and the show "Arthur" in the other room. At five we would hear a cheerful bellow from above:  "HEEELLLOOO!" and knew that Dad was home.   It was cozy, close and peaceful in its zaniness, if you understand what I mean.  Alas, I have no picture.  Only in my heart's core.


  1. Your list is very similar to mine-such a dilemma when you like history!

  2. Dancing in one of those fabulous dresses would have been fun! Have a great week!
