Tuesday, March 3, 2015

You are are cordially invited..........

Joining up with Carole for Ten On Tuesday

Image result for renoir picnics

10  Guests I would invite to a Dinner Party

1.  Bob Hope:  to make all the toasts and the roasts!Image result for Bob Hope

2.  John Cleese......because.........hysterical!
Image result for JOhn Cleese

3.  Susanne Bier:  Because I love her profound view into human life.  I would pour some red wine for us and just listen to her thoughts.
Image result for susanne bier

4.  Ray Bradbury:  I would have him read aloud from his book "The October Country" for my husband and sons.  

Image result for ray bradbury

5.  Leonardo da Vinci.........can you imagine how fascinating he would be!  He could talk inventions with Creative Child.
Image result for Leonardo da vinci

6.  Mrs. Bennett (Pride and Prejudice) because she is so darn amusing to listen to and watch. And if I sat her next to John Cleese........well........hilarity would ensue.

Image result for Mrs. Bennet

7.  Gus McCrae (Lonesome Dove):  Charming, witty, (in a cowboy sort of way).  He is just one loveable son of a gun!

Image result for Gus McCrae

8.  Colonel Brandon (Sense and Sensibility):  To give a sense of nobility and grace to the party.

Image result for Col Brandon

9.   Sidney Poitier:  the polish, the voice, the wry sense of humor. He would be so wonderful to meet in person!

Image result for Sidney poitier

10.  Spencer Tracy and Katherine Hepburn plus Rosalind Russell.  Two of them could crash the party and no one would care.  How fun to talk to them about the old days in Hollywood!  My daughter would be in heaven just listening to them. 
Image result for spencer tracy katharine hepburn
 Image result for Rosalind russell