Monday, March 14, 2016

Ten On Tuesday: Comfort Food!

Joining up with Carole today for Ten On Tuesday

My Ten favorite Comfort Foods

1.  Fresh Baked Bread right out of the oven with real butter and a cup of coffee with cream.  This loaf compliments of Thoughtful Child.

2.  Ben and Jerry's Americone Dream ice cream or Cherry Garcia ice cream, or Dairy Queen Ice Cream Cakes.  Do you notice a theme here?  Sigh!

3.  Canadian Pork Pies. These can bring me back to my childhood home at the very first taste.

4.  Chips, salsa, and guacamole.

5.  Chicken Fried Rice from Bo Fung's - a small Chinese place around the corner.  

6.  Grapefruits!  Can't get enough of them.

7.  Pickled Beets and rice.  (crazy, I know!)

8.  Popcorn just out of the whirly pop pan!

9.  Chocolate Turtles!  

10.  Starbucks orange/cranberry scones. These got me through many an early pee wee soccer or baseball game.  Oh my!


  1. That bread looks so delicious! And so does that chocolate. I think it's going to be a hungry day.

  2. Bread is just simply the best. I agree!

  3. Fresh baked bread is so hard to beat! I love Ben & Jerry's half-baked ice cream and I also love Dairy Queen ice cream cakes.

  4. Another vote for fresh-baked bread, and the accompaniments of real butter and coffee with cream that you've listed make it even better!
