Friday, January 27, 2017

Let Them Astound You

Today my thoughts turn to LIFE. As my youngest son Reuben marches in Washington D.C. I think about the gift of life here at home. Words my mom once said come into my heart. "Every baby born to you brings a million blessings clenched in their little fists". Each time I was expecting, she would say that. And she had eight kids. And she was right! And that was not some platitude she threw out. She had eight VERY different kids with gifts and challenges and temperaments. There were highs and lows. But she still said it with great conviction. 

 You have to be humble to be a parent. You have to wait on the Lord and receive from his hand the particular children He has chosen to give you to protect and defend and .... frankly, to be amazed by. Every mom and dad out there has those moments when their child does or says something astounding beyond their level. And we are left saying....who IS this? Each of my kids has astounded me at one time or another. That's when you know that you aren't alone...that grace, if it was visible, would be floating all around the room and around that child. And you are left feeling abashed that God entrusted very flawed YOU with the responsibility to take care of such an innocent, fragile person. 

 I remember one such moment. It was Thomas's First Communion Day. He was elated! My mom made him the traditional First Communion cake that she made for
everyone. He just glowed with happiness that day. He opened all his gifts. He got a lot of money from various relatives. We ate cake and then all the kids went off to play. Outside the ice cream truck was passing by down the street. All the kids heard it and disappeared. They all came back happily licking their ice cream and popsicles. Turns out that Thomas spent all his First Communion money to buy them all treats. And he just thought it was the greatest thing in the world that he could do that! 

I was....speechless. 

 That was just one event in one child's life that made heaven seem very close to me. There are so many others. 
 LIFE IS PRECIOUS. That is no mere platitude. And moms and dads,we KNOW that is true. My prayer today for all expectant moms and dads is that you will CHOOSE to wait on the Lord. He will not disappoint. And may you have many little fists that open up and shower you with a million blessings!!!

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