O, Adonai ! The slow, deliberate repeating of this word in my mind helps me to cut holes in the veil of mediocrity that seems to lay heavy on our modern world. I was in Walmart yesterday and just listening to the people and smelling that strange popcorn smell mixed with the sweet sticky smell of many candles sitting together on a shelf. Everyone around me seemed tired and robotic....like, this is what we do every year, let's get on with it. The Christmas music blaring out to create "atmosphere" seemed old and stale. I felt suddenly smothered by the feel and I abandoned my cart in the candle aisle and decided that I needed nothing more.
O Adonai ! Wake us up! Come with power! Let us be full of fear at your greatness! Let us know what it is to be abashed by your presence. Let us seek the ground and know that feeling of smallness before you. Your mystery! Your otherness! Crash through the mediocrity that lies heavily over everything. Crash through smugness, cynicism, mindless materialism, and empty religion. Help us to see the Incarnation as the heart stopping, mind boggling, amazing thing that it is.......not a "Precious Moment". Let us remember always that even in your Child's face dwells Adonai!
Pure truth. Thank you so much Denise! Wishing you a beautiful 2018! Hope you had a wonderful Christmas!