Friday, June 13, 2014

Spring play..........a visit to Avonlea.............with Anne of Green Gables

Here are some highlights from our high school spring play.  This one was very different from Murder in the Cathedral , but I was proud of the cast:  the acting, the costumes, the whole production in a space that was challenging, to say the least. And we spent time being Anne, and Marilla, and Matthew and Gilbert........what's not to like?!
 Small productions like these are similar in my mind to flying a small prop plane as opposed to flying first class in a luxury jet.  There are lots of bumps on the way, but you always realize you are off the ground doing something a bit dangerous, and the sense of "rush," and flying through the storms of set challenges and budgets and backdrops, and maybe glimpses of the sun and the glory of the heavens up close and personal when the acting is just right and the audience is moved, and then getting safely down to earth again with a job well done.  And the best things of all is when the whole cast says:  LET'S DO ANOTHER ONE!  Gotta love the theater!!!!!!!!!

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