Friday, September 26, 2014

Our Family's Patron Saints

A Franciscan scholar who loved the baby Jesus and doesn't think it beneath him to help us find things.
A King of Wales!
Protected Paris from invaders, was martyred.
Loved the Sacred Heart.  She was the spiritual sister and mother of St. Philippine  Duschesne.
I am in the process of collecting and framing my favorite pictures of our family's patron saints.  Since we have nine people, it has turned into a "great cloud of witnesses".  I scattered some within this post.......see if you can tell who they are. I got this idea from one of the wonderful little oratories that Leila posted on her blog Like Mother, Like Daughter:  Making a Little Oratory.  I cannot remember which blog posted it, but I thank the wonderful mom who had all the saints above her Little Oratory.  It was so beautiful!
Dear Offero who sought and found his King

Reading the saint of the day with my children every morning has brought home anew how MANY there are and how varied they are.  Why, just this week we had St. Thecla from Turkey, St. Pacificus from Italy, St. Cosmas and Damien from Syria, St. Thomas of Villanova from Spain, and St. Sergius from Russia:  doctors, monks, hermits, an innocent young girl, martyrs, poor and lowly,  amazing preacher, tender and understanding confessor........and that's just FIVE saints.  

The glorious preacher!

There is an incredible story about the way that St. Teresa of Avila died.  One of the nuns saw a great crowd of people approaching the saint's  bed laughing and dancing and singing.......and that was the moment when La Madre died.  I envision this in my mind and I surge with longing.  To be among the elect, to sing and dance before the Holy of Holies as David did.  To understand that we are surrounded by them and they are cheering us on!  They are the truest of friends for they long to show us Heaven.  

All you holy men and women of God, pray for us!

One who was never AFRAID!  Made a saint in our lifetime.  

Led the Israelites into the promised land!

A very reluctant martyr but a faithful servant to the King!

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