Thursday, December 18, 2014


A surprise morning snowfall.  After three or four days of warm, dark weather, it is such a happy thing to wake up to snow! 

Signs on our bulletin board that Christmas is fast approaching....hurrah!

Youngest Child had to get up early today so we can get school in before caroling this afternoon.  It's slow going until older brother home from college decides to help it along.  Being used to six older brothers and sisters, Youngest Child is unperturbed.  The youngest in any big family must make this face many times in his lifetime.

This drawing really moved me.  The sense of urgency in St. Joseph is so incredible.  I always forget that this flight happened almost right away after the angels sang, and kings adored, and shepherds came. Flight! Fear!  It is then that it hits me that Jesus entrusted Himself to the strong and capable love of St. Joseph.  What was Joseph thinking.  Will I fail Him?  But still he acted with his strength and wit and courage.  And his Son honored him, and trusted him. Oh, to be trusted by God. Awe!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, thank you for the meditation on this etching. Powerful.
