Monday, November 30, 2015

Ancient Words, Ever New

I don't know if any of you have this experience with reading Holy Scripture, but I had it again yesterday.  It came from the Gospel for the First Sunday of Advent.  As Father was proclaiming it from the pulpit, words I have heard for many, many years now every Advent,  sounded like something new and direct.  Jesus is very clear and bold in His teaching here.  No parables, no illusions, just clear directions. 

 "Beware that your hearts do not become drowsy from.....the anxieties of daily life, and that day catch you by surprise like a trap. For that day will assault everyone who lives on the face of the earth."

Here, then, is a great focus for Advent.  What are the anxieties that make us drowsy?  
Worrying about SATs and Math lessons?  Worrying about how we look to other people?  Worrying about being different from the world in our beliefs and not wanting to appear TOO religious ?  Wanting too much Money?  Prestige?    Maintaining power as  the "Queen Bee" in our friend group or home school co op?  Fear of losing our status because someone has a great idea and we are afraid they will be liked more than ourselves?  Making sure our kids are in every single activity because we don't want them to "lose out" (on what, we never seem to define). 
  ALL these things take so much energy that at the end of the day, they DO make us "drowsy".  We stop thinking clearly.  We forget that THIS world is not OUR world. We are only pilgrims, here. 

Really. Our world lies beyond this, "in a twist of the air and a fold of the sky" as Chesterton would say. 

I hate feeling drowsy, physically.  I should also hate to feel drowsy, spiritually.   Some spiritual "cold water" is what is needed.  I received my first "splash" yesterday at Mass, in those words ever Ancient ever New of the Gospel.  
May we all find the invigorating cold water of clear thinking this Advent and really ponder why we are here.  The Catechism always says it so well.

God made me to know, love, and serve Him in this life and to be with Him forever in the next. 


  1. This is a wonderful post, Denise! It is something we all need to hear! Some spiritual cold water.

  2. Inspiring post, Denise, blessings on your advent!

  3. Yes....I love when the word feels as if it is speaking directly to me. I think it can depend on where my head is at right then. That is a great term for it...spiritual cold water.

  4. I love the reflective, meditative aspect of advent.I can relate to so much of your first paragraph. It is so easy to get distracted by worldly worries and forget to trust that God holds us in His hands. How many times do I trade the pearl of great price for a handful of dust? Too many probably :) Thank you for these gentle reminders.

  5. Beautiful! It seems so many women are sharing similar thoughts which means we must all be in need of this reminder. I know I am!
